Nov 15, 2017


During certain times of the year, driving in the Phoenix desert can be a pretty unpredictable experience. Whether it’s monsoon season or one of the hottest days of the year, drivers have a lot to look out for before hitting the road. To help our customers better prepare for their daily commutes and winter road trips, we’ve put together some tips on driving in the desert.

1) Be Wary of Monsoons. Newcomers to the Phoenix area might not realize that our usually dry desert gets some very heavy rainfall during the late summer and early fall. Called “monsoon season” by locals, this is a very dangerous part of the year for drivers, where heavy rains and flash flooding become a common occurrence. That’s why experts recommend never driving in heavy rains. If you find yourself out in a sudden downpour, simply pull off the road and wait it out.

2) Keep Your AC Working. Before the start of summer, it is always a good idea to schedule your car for a pre-summer inspection that includes taking a good look at your air conditioner. In Phoenix, this is especially necessary as temperatures have been known to climb upwards of 115 degrees on certain days, becoming very hazardous to those who don’t have a properly working cooling system while out on the road.

3) Don’t Drive in a Dust Storm. Commonly called “haboobs,” dust storms in the Valley are a weird weather phenomenon that are both very cool and very frightening, especially if you’re behind the wheel. Safety experts warn against driving during a haboob, as winds can reach up to 60 mph at times, causing a lack of traction on the road and severely limited visibility. As with monsoons, if you hear of a potential dust storm, don’t drive. If you find yourself already out in the middle of one, simply pull over, turn off your lights and wait it out.