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Car Smells And What The Issues Could Be

One day, you might jump in your car only to discover that there's an unbearable smell. The smell may be coming from the brakes, the engine, the exhaust system, or elsewhere. Sometimes, it can even come from the interior of the car itself. When they discover an odd smell, many drivers naturally wonder if it's something to be concerned about. We say that the type of smell provides insight about what may be the culprit, but it's always a good idea to call us or schedule an appointment to make sure your car's problem is corrected and doesn't pose a safety hazard. Furthermore, letting problems go unaddressed can lead to major repairs and expensive bills.

Below are a few odd smells you might encounter and what they may be indicating.


Burned Rubber

Each time you drive, your brakes are subjected to wear and tear from driving over concrete, pavement, and other surfaces. Mileage can also take a toll on the braking system. Therefore, a burning smell can often be a sign that the brakes are wearing out. Since most brakes wear out gradually, you may not notice a strong smell at first. However, anytime you smell burning from the brakes, you should schedule an appointment with a mechanic. Leaking oil can produce a burning smell too, which also needs a mechanic's check.

Gym Clothes

The smell of old socks or wet laundry is a classic indication of mold and mildew. This is especially worth considering if you find that the problem is worse when you run the car's air conditioning system. The a/c unit is prone to condensation and moisture accumulation. Fresh air is essential to prevent the problem. If this smell becomes overpowering, circulate air through the fan to eliminate mold and bacteria.

Burned Carpet

Braking too hard or too fast can also produce this smell. The smell of burning carpet can signal that there is an issue with the brakes, including too much friction and heat caused by heavy braking or worn parts. If the smell doesn't go away, bring the car in for a mechanic to inspect.


Suppose you encounter a slightly sweet smell, especially one that starts when you turn the car on, maybe it's due to leaking coolant fluid. The engine needs enough coolant fluid to run, which means this issue should signal a call to our service team for repairs.

Sulfer Or Rotten Eggs

Smelling sulfur can be a sign that the engine isn't functioning well or that the catalytic converter is not working as it should. Both problems can be catastrophic without a mechanic's expert diagnosis and repairs.

When your car smells bad, it's a sign that something is wrong. Schedule an appointment with us to determine the problem and get it fixed.