Jul 27, 2022


Going electric may seem even more worthwhile considering how much owning an EV will save you in the long run. 

Fuel Savings

The main reason for going electric is the fuel savings. In addition to the environmental benefits of electric vehicle usage, monetary savings are involved. Most vehicles can drive a significant distance with just one tank of gas, which is often the factory recommendation. It is, therefore, quite feasible to not only go through a single tank of gas while driving around town or commuting in your EV but also travel longer distances without having to stop at a gas station and possibly causing traffic congestion by using less than what you paid for it.

Maintenance And Repair

An electric vehicle is no more expensive in the long run than a gas-powered vehicle. Costs can be slightly less because a significant amount of electrical parts and repairs are not required on an EV. Therefore, those parts need less replacement. Maintenance on an electric car requires hardly any work because the vehicle will likely not run for as long or go through as many miles as a gas-powered car. EVs are also rarer and less likely to be in an accident, so repair costs are significantly lower. Not only is maintenance on an EV a lot cheaper than that of a gas-powered car, but there is also seldom anything wrong with it requiring repairs.


Looking at the cost of ownership over time, EVs are a lot less expensive than their gas-powered counterparts. This is because the fuel savings alone offset the considerable cost premium on an EV. The only thing that can hold back an EV purchase is a higher price tag. The EV should still be able to deliver a decent amount of miles and charge capacity after several years, and the resale value will only increase over time.

If you want to learn more about whether an EV may be right for you, feel free to contact our dealership here in Phoenix. If you discover you’d like to stick with a gasoline-powered vehicle, we carry a great new and used selection to accommodate your needs.

* Information source is from consumerreports.org and is for general informational purposes only. All information is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information. Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result from use of the posted information on this page. Your use and reliance of the posted information on this page is solely at your own risk.